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Jumat, 16 September 2011

Top *8*



Kesalahan 1: Launching sebelum ada theme yang jelas
Kebanyakan blogging tools dalam berbagai layanan blog seperti di WP menawarkan theme default. Lazimnya seorang pemula, mereka tetap bertahan pada theme tersebut selama beberapa waktu. Namun jika benar-benar serius ingin membuat blog dengan pembaca yang loyal, maka sudah sepantasnya Anda membuat theme tersendiri. Memang benar, urusan theme teknis sekali. Tapi setidaknya, cobalah cari theme yang unik. Lakukan modifikasi, walaupun hanya ala kadarnya. Yang penting, modifikasi tersebut sudah cukup membedakan blog Anda dari blog-blog lain.
Kesalahan 2: Unregularly posting
Ketika Anda memutuskan membuat sebuah blog, berarti Anda berkomitmen untuk mengisinya secara periodik. Memang benar bahwa disiplin adalah sikap yang agak sulit dipertahankan. Entah karena keterbatasan waktu, kelupaan, atau alasan lain yang bisa saja muncul. Padahal, 500 kata atau 2-3 link yang menarik saja sudah cukup dituangkan dalam sebuah posting. Memelihara blog sama halnya dengan memelihara hewan atau tumbuhan peliharaan. It’s okay, ketika Anda sekali waktu lupa memberinya makan. Tetapi, jika hal itu terus-terusan Anda lakukan, tahu sendiri kan akibatnya?
Kesalahan 3: Obsesi berlebihan pada komentar, trackback, dan statistik
Jangan beranggapan bahwa sebuah posting belum ada artinya kalau belum diberi komentar atau ditrackback dari blog/website lain. Pada awal-awal masa blogging, pemula sering mengecek komentar (via RSS) setiap satu-dua jam sekali (dulu ada Awstats dan Webalizer untuk melihat trafik, keyword yang mengacu pada blog). Sekarang lebih gampang lagi karena ada fasilitas itu di WP. Tapi itu justru sia-sia. Sepanjang Anda mempunyai tulisan yang baik, format yang enak dibaca, dan visi atau sasaran yang jelas, pengunjung akan datang dengan sendirinya. Percayalah, obsesi berlebihan pada komentar, trackback, atau statistik, hanya akan membuahkan depresi pada diri Anda.

Posting Tugas

Terkadang kita perlu mengatakan apa yang telah dikatakan oleh orang lain. Ada dua cara untuk melakukan ini dalam bahasa Inggris, yakni direct speech dan reported speech.

Reported speech is often also called indirect speech. When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too. For example:
"I'm going to the cinema".
He said he was going to the cinema.

Direct speech
Direct speech menyatakan ulang secara persis apa yang telah dikatakan oleh orang lain. Contoh:
  • Jane said, “I’m so happy today”.
  • The president said, “I need a vacation”.
Reported speech
Reported speech secara tidak langsung melaporkan apa yang dikatakan orang lain. Contoh:
  • Jane said she was so happy today.
  • The president said he needed a vacation.
Reported speech menggunakan bentuk lampau dari direct speech. Jadi jika direct speech dalam bentuk present tense, maka reported speech dalam bentuk past tense. Contoh:
Direct Speech - I said, “She is in her office.”
Reported Speech - I said she was in her office.
Apabila direct speech dalam bentuk past tense, maka reported speech menggunakan bentuk past perfect.
Direct Speech - I said, “She was in her office at lunchtime.”
Reported Speech - I said she had been in her office at lunchtime. atau - I said she was in her office at lunchtime.
Dalam bahasa Inggris moderen, bentuk past perfect sering tidak diperlukan untuk reported speech bentuk lampau, kita cukup menggunakan past simple tense.
Berikut beberapa bentuk kata kerja umum dalam direct dan reported speech

Tenses Direct / Reported Speech
Simple present: I said, “She is busy”. - I said she was busy.
Present continuous: I said, “I am working now”. - I said I was working now
Simple past: I said, “She was here this morning”. - I said she was here this morning. ATAU
I said she had been here this morning.
Past continuous: I said “She was studying all yesterday” - I said she was studying all yesterday. ATAU
I said she had been studying all yesterday
Present perfect: I said, “She has worked here for 5 years.” - I said she had worked here for 5 years.
Past perfect: I said, “She had worked here for 5 years.” - I said she had worked here for 5 years.
Future: I said, “She will work here from July.” - I said she would work here from July.
Future continuous: I said, “We’ll be living here for 6 months.” - I said we would be living here for 6 months.
Can: I said, “She can play the piano well.” - I said she could play the piano well.
Reported speech sering diberikan sebagai bagian dari klausa-that, khususnya dalam bahasa tertulis dan bahasa yang lebih formal. Contoh:
  • He said that he would arrive at 10.00.
  • He said he would arrive at 10.00.
Kedua kalimat ini bermakna sama, dan that bisa dihilangkan tanpa ada perubahan makna.

soal-soal reported speech :

1. The woman says to him: “you play the piano well.”
The girl says to him that ………….

A. you play the piano well.
B. he play the piano well
C. he plays the piano well
D. he played the piano well
E. you played the piano well

2. “Did he leave a message for me?”
“yes, he said………. tonight”.

A. he called you
B. he would call him
C. you called her
D. he would call you
E. I would call you

3. “You mustn’t forget what I told you.”
She told me ………..

A. that I hadn’t to forget what she had told me

B. that I didn’t have to forget what I had told her.
C. that I mustn’t have forgotten what I told you.
D. that I didn’t have to forget what she had told me
E. that I was not to forget what she had told me.sing so loudly

4. Tony said to me: “Why does she sing so loudly?”
A. Tony said to me why does she sing so loudly
B. Tony asked me why did she sing so loudly.
C. Tony asked why does she sing so loudly
D. Tony asked me why she sang so loudly
E. Tony asked me why she did sing so loudly

5. “How many pieces of bread can you eat?” She said.....
A. She said how many pieces of bread I can eat
B. She wanted to know how many pieces of bread you cculd eat
C. She asked how could I eat a lot of bread
D. She asked how many pieces of bread I could eat

E. She asked me how many pieces of bread I can eat

6. “Where did you go  four days ago?” John asked.
Tony asked …….
A. where did I go four days ago
B. where I did go four days ago
C. Where I had gone four days before
D. where I had gone four days ago.
E. where I went four days before

7. “Did you have an   assignment last month? Father asked me
Father asked me ……

A. did I have an assignment last month
B. I did have an assignment last month
C. if I had had an assignment the month before
D. if I did have an assignment the month before
E. if I had had an assignment the month before

8. “Were you at the party last night?” Tony said.
A. Tony said that I was at the party the night be tofore
B. Tony wanted to know if he was at the party the night before
C. Tony asked me if I was at the party
D. Tony wanted to know if I had been at the party the night before

E. Tony said to me that I had been  at the party the night before

9. Rudy said to me, “Can I help  you  find  a hotel?”
A. Rudy asked me if I could help her find a hotel
B. I wondered if my friend could help me find a hotel
C. Rudy said that I could help me find a hotel
D. Rudy asked me to find a hotel for him
E. Rudy asked me whether he could help me find a hotel

dan penambahan penulis seperlunya..........